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Jynn last won the day on March 14 2016

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    BB, BKK, Opae Ula, Amano, CRS/CBS, OEBT, Cherry

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  1. I have a freeze drying machine, so I was thinking of making some homemade shrimp food with it. What kinda stuff should/can I put in there? I picked up a few jars of organic baby food that is made of stuff I already know shrimp will eat, carrot, spinach, peas, banana, greenbean, etc Ive got bee pollen, spirulina, beta glucan, various shrimp mineral stuff (those mineral stones, CSF pure mineral, some mosura "white", Ive got various flaked fishfoods... Ive seen shrimp foods with things like cinnamon, garlic, etc in them... Just curious what other sorts of things would be good to feed the little guys. types of leaves, veggies, fruits, whatever
  2. Looking to get a few OERBTs if anyone has some or knows any reputable place that keeps them in stock :-/ (image stolen from Flip Aquatics, who is out of stock)
  3. Just treat him like youd treat new shrimp. Give him a nice slow acclimation. Ottos are actually schooling fish, and happiest in groups of 3+, hed be much happier if the larger tank with a buddy or two.
  4. So, Ive got an interesting problem... i'm fairly certain EVERY tangtai in my tank is female... This isnt really working out for breeding. Anyone willing to sell me 1 or 2 specifically male tigers. I honestly don't care much what type, as im not going for anything specific. I could also trade CRS if anyone wants those... 6 for 2 or something? Can offer plants too... Ive got a ton of Pelia(not mini) Fissidens Fontanus, a bunch of what im pretty sure is some kinda red ludwigia... I mean.. I guess I could just throw a few TBs or CRS in with them and see what happens, but Id rather do some other tiger,
  5. Got my shrimps today, everyone arrived happy and healthy. Thanks!
  6. Sorry, got distracted. I'd love this package, I will likely need the cold pack. Where shall I pay you?
  7. also interested, depending on price and location.
  8. Do you still have the CRS available?

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