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Well, that's interesting...

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I'll try to get some pics.


Rili sort of fell out of favor when people learned constant culling is involved for them to keep the classic look.


Interestingly enough, there's a group of people that like the splotched look which makes some variety in the tank and keeps all shrimp from being only one solid color.

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Looks like I'll have to make some room.  All yellow rilis I have seen advertised are really orange rilis with poor color.


I'm as shocked as all get-out I have a real one!  The hard part will be breeding it out.  Usually the fems carry the coloring in neos.  We'll see what happens.  I'll probably pick 2-3 fems plus him in a new tank.

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I never remember anything, so I just use the rules of 3.  Berried for 3 weeks, reproduce after 3 months.  Not totally accurate, but accurate enough for me to remember. LOL


I found another male yellow rili I think, however I just placed the one with 2 fems in a 10g.  The modifiers may fall into place more quickly with a limited P1 structure.


I also selected some nicely colored yellow fems, so if I get any rili in f1, hopefully the color areas will be bold and not faint.



Aquariumlover10, RR already exist.  I have some fro my BBRR project I can sell to you if you'd like. :)

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Wow Soothing, definitely need to breed that gene out!! Keep us updated if it stays as is.

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Found a yellow rili fem in the tank (this comes from my Sunshines BTW), but debating on whether to use her or not for the rili project.  The yellow isn't rili-ish, but more splotched and very light, making the splotching hard to see.  Plus no stripe.  I want to add nice bold color and am afraid if I add her the color may take a step backwards.


Then again, I may add her anyway with the understanding I can always cull the bad coloration....decisions decisions...

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I say go for it. just separate her after she's knocked up and see what the offspring look like in a grow out tank. Sometimes going backwards is the only way to go forward. That may be flawed logic, but I think you get my drift.

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I love the yellow one! I finally started my blue dream project. Well ill have to personalize the name as time goes on and I get some results.

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I had 5+ yellow rilis appear in my yellow neo tank. I was going to try and breed them out, and then my entire stock died within a week. I never did figure out what happened to them...

Hopefully you can get a good yellow rili colony going. Good luck with 'em!

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