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Hey plant experts, I bought a plant package quite a while ago. Now I'm wondering what we have. Can anyone tell me what these are?

Plant 1 (tall green one)


Plant 2 (red one)


Thank you for any assistance!


The green looks like myrio .


I'm not an expert but I have myrio outside and looks like it .


it grows fat outside and like crazy but looking at your pic you have more than enough light for it . I threw some outside in a buried stock tank/quasi mini pond with guppies and it grew way thicker simply floating .







Red one looks like A.R mini and the green one hornwort maybe? Maybe green cabomba.

Thank you Pokeshrimp! Ummm... A.R. mini? I'm completely ignorant here. Would you please spell it out for me so I can look them up and learn?


The green looks like myrio .


I'm not an expert but I have myrio outside and looks like it .

Thank you. How cool would it be to have something like this outside?...

Alternanthera reineckii could be the mini version or regular.

Thank you. Never in this lifetime would I have come up with that on my own ;)

I think myrio and A.R. too. but I'm not an expert.

Ahhh... but you obviously know much more than I do, thank you!

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