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What makes a blue jelly?


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I saw a shrimplet in my bluebolt/black panda tank that was marked like a 2 stripe BKK but its body was a pretty almost royal blue instead of black.

I don't know if maybe it's just young and will darken to black as it ages, if he's something new and weird (is a blue king kong a thing?), or if its possible a blue jelly popped out of this mix?



Unfortunately, once I went and got my camera, I couldn't find the lil bugger again.. but i'll be watching for him and try to catch a picture if possible.

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Well Jynn, I believe I know what the responses will be, 




GAH! then tell me :P


I honestly don't really care either way what it grows up to be.



Ive got no idea what actually goes into a blue jelly (might be a tiger cross?), any searching I do just brings up info about the neos of the same name.

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Most of what I've read is that they turn black. Didn't mean to be evasive, but the only caridinas I have are tigers so I don't want to mislead anyone. But I LOVE the blue jellys and keep hoping someone gets them to stay blue and breed. I would attempt a setup for them. :)

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Probably a baby BKK then.  He's a darker blue than jellies would normally be.


Still excited to get a BKK.    It's my first tank with TBs, so anything that pops out that isn't what I started with is exciting for me.





Kinda caught the lil fellow, but he's chilling on the glass, so I could only get his underside :(


Also, I don't have a real camera.




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Congratulations. Unfortunately unless you have been selectively breeding for blue traits, 99% of the time these "blue shrimp" will end up black.

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I believe an actual blue jelly is a cross between a crystal white shrimp and a black king kong.  Michal Nadal in Germany was the first one I saw and was my inspiration to obtain crystal white bee shrimps.


Most of those blue babies will eventually turn black.  To my knowledge I haven't seen one yet that stayed blue, but that's not to say it can't happen, it all depends on what's in the background of the genetics of that particular shrimp.  Keeping fingers crossed.

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