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Please help identify this.

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This brown spot with vertical lines has me puzzled. I have reaserched it but cannot find any info. I don't think its genetic. Maybe environmental. I've seen the same brown spots with vertical lines on molts. Not sure which happens first. Does the brown spot appear and then is removed at next molt or does a bad molt remove part of the shell. It doesn't seem to grow and is always in same spot.

Thanks for looking.


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I've seen fish's gills turn brown like this. Testing revealed an NH3 spike! Check your params!

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It's what my TT have also. I kept one in a jar and after the shrimp molted she was very clean yellow, no spots. I'm not sure if it's connected but my TT was dying from something. After I added more cappa leaves, washed filter, added purigen, cleaned substrate more often, started adding AE everyday the deaths are stopped... at least for now... TT's share tank with low grade cherries and the cherries were/are fine.


EDIT: the parameters in the tank are normal

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 I was thinking it's bacterial but as I said I have a lot of cherries in the tank and not even one of them has the same thing. I don't think it's excess iron because I stopped adding fert in the tank long time ago and did a lot of w/c (even deep gravel cleaning a few times).

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Thanks for the link nuri. I haven't finished translating it yet.

Starting to wonder if this was from dosing safeguard fenbedazole for hydra. Maybe a chemical burn / problem. It's been a week or two and I dosed several tanks. 2 tanks definently have a problem but it's hard to tell on the other tanks because the shrimp have a more solid shell. I will pull some out and inspect them later today.

Svetilda did you dose anything before this started for you?

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No, I didn't.


The tank is realy small only 3g. I don't remember how long it was cycling but around 3 weeks. I added my cherries in the end of last May. The substrate is inert, no additives under it (I didn't know about them back then) but I do have a small mineral stone. It's panted, so since first week I added a drop of different Seachem fert. (iron, potassium, etc,) but never Excel. Did water changes every week with cleaning the substrate (but not deep). Added the TT's in October or November and they started to die in the end of January. Since then I started deep gravel cleanings, added cappa leaves, purigen, dosing AE daily, stopped fert.


The only different thing was a temperature. We went on a short vacation and temperature at home during day was about 60. When we came back all of my shrimp were very slow but the problem was only in that tank and only with TT's.


this was my post about it:http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/5551-shrimp-is-dying-after-releasing-babies/?hl=svetilda#entry71007

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Thanks for the link nuri. I haven't finished translating it yet.



If using Google Chrome, you can right click and click on "Translate to English" or at the top right of the screen on that webpage, next to the star "bookmarks" icon, there is a "g A" symbol, click that and it will translate the entire page. Most of it is translated really well.


Other web browsers I believe also have some page translators located somewhere, rather than you having to translate each sentence or paragraph on another translator site.

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