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RAOK Free Plants


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I have 4 or 5 alternanthera reineckii  rooted plants + various extra stems to give away. AR can be grown in a low tech tank. However, it will not show it's optimal colors. I clipped the tops on some of these but there are plenty of side shoots which can be re-planted. Winner agrees to pay $7.00 for USPS priority shipping. Please start a numbered list and I'll choose a winner tomorrow evening. This video about AR should answer most of your questions about this beautiful plant. Free snails included. Zero algae!


alternanthera reineckii.jpg


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I don't want to be selfish joining in another roak but my turtle killed all but 2 inch long pieces of my AR rose before I realized and moved it. Have been nursing it to health but it'd still teeny! I've been trying to get some locally for months. So


1. HeatherBee

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4 minutes ago, Nuthatch said:

I'm not having much luck with my Ovalis; how does it compare to AR as far as difficulty?  I wouldn't want to sign up for something I'd kill!  :unsure:

I find them both pretty easy. I kept them both in a high tech tank with good growth.I ended up getting rid of my ovalis and kept Atlantis instead.

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4 minutes ago, mayphly said:

I find them both pretty easy. I kept them both in a high tech tank with good growth.I ended up getting rid of my ovalis and kept Atlantis instead.

Well, that answers that!  If my Ovalis looks bad then this poor plant doesn't stand much of a chance either!  I'll pass... :(

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Just now, Nuthatch said:

Well, that answers that!  If my Ovalis looks bad then this poor plant doesn't stand much of a chance either!  I'll pass... :(

lol! Bummer!:(

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1. HeatherBee

2. Shrimple Minded

3. Taewonee

4. fishface

5. Vpier

6. Eloodaku

7. ibebian

8. Alohameans143

9. Jynn

10. castronaut8

11. newellcr

12. ninjapete42

13. Mr. F


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