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Hypothetical question and thought.....


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Hypothetical question?


What if you were to take the substrate and put it in a large media bag and put it on the bottom

of a tank, and then put a large stainless steel mesh of moss on top it?


Then when you wanted to clean it, you could just take the bag of substrate out, rinse it in aquarium water

and put it back in?  I am just trying to think of a way to make it easy to clean the substrate and a tank

versus vacuuming the substrate which is a pain and you can never really get it clean or be able to

clean the sides of glass inside.


I'm talking about a large media bag, say 20" X 10" for like a 10 gallon tank. It would still fill the bottom

of the tank, and then put whatever on top. Drift wood, moss sheets, etc.  Keep it really simple. Then

pull it to clean it. This way the whole tank can be cleaned easier and put back together.


If you use aquarium water to rinse the bag of substrate, then it should be okay and not kill all of the

good bacteria? just rinse the gunk out.  You could still use a little colony when you put it back in the tank

after cleaning. ATM's Colony does not raise the TDS.


What do you thing? This would not necessarily be for shrimp. It could be for fish too.

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In theory it would work great.  I think in actuality it may be problematic.  Shrimp move where you don't want them to.  So I can totally see babies growing in the media bag, shrimp getting underneath the bag or SS when trying to put it back in, etc.


Now, if you were to put the substrate inside a sump, and have a bare bottom tank, it may be effective. (?)

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Why would you have substrate at all then?   Seems like you just want to go bare bottom with maybe some moss.  You can get the surface area but just using sponge filters.

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Yes, that is what I was thinking, is the ph issue. With just bare bottom with some moss and then some sponges for bacteria, I would

think it would be hard to keep the ph steady.  I was thinking about this more for fish than shrimp though. But I would love to come

up with something that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, and a way to keep a tank clean, or easier to keep clean.


I suppose using RO water and salty shrimp mineral. If I put a sponge filter on the bottom that covered the whole bottom and then

put moss on top of it, but the sponge would have to be so that you don't have the same problem with shrimp getting down the

sides of the sponge, etc. It couldn't be very porous.


If I put a large sponge on the side with a bare bottom, and used RO Water and Salty shrimp minerals, I wonder if I could keep the

ph steady?

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Yes, that is what I was thinking, is the ph issue. With just bare bottom with some moss and then some sponges for bacteria, I would

think it would be hard to keep the ph steady.  I was thinking about this more for fish than shrimp though. But I would love to come

up with something that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, and a way to keep a tank clean, or easier to keep clean.


I suppose using RO water and salty shrimp mineral. If I put a sponge filter on the bottom that covered the whole bottom and then

put moss on top of it, but the sponge would have to be so that you don't have the same problem with shrimp getting down the

sides of the sponge, etc. It couldn't be very porous.


If I put a large sponge on the side with a bare bottom, and used RO Water and Salty shrimp minerals, I wonder if I could keep the

ph steady?


Like a HMF?

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Yeah, that is a good idea, I could keep it simple, go HMF with just air and put the

substrate behind the HMF and put it on the side and make the bottom bare. Or

I could put the substrate in the media bag still, and put the HMF on top of it.


I might need to put some easy water flow under the sponge, and air.


Or the heck with it, I could just put in a couple bags of bio balls under the



The idea is to keep it simple, and a piece of cake to clean anytime. Yet, still

have the bacteria.


I could go bare bottom and large porus rock and sponge filters, maybe

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Thats why I keep trumpet snails. .. let them do the work

You are smart my man, not many people are aware of old tank syndrome.

New tank syndrome everyone is aware of.

Old tank syndrome will come out of no where and bite you in the arsenal. Usually it's caused by not doing deep gravel vacuums, unclean filters, or irregular maintnance for years. I haven't cleaned my substrate in my shrimp tank since I started it. I'm waiting for them to stop breeding t

During winter, the. I'm going to sell off who I don't think will be good for next years breeding, then take them out, completely redo the tank somewhat like bostoneric, and actually get a new ten gallon, the one I have is old, like 15 years old and when I fill it to the rim maybe a centimeter lower it leaks maybe a quarter cup of water out.

Jsut be ware it's better to have trumpet snails

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IMHO........HMF you don't want to put substrate behind it. That to allow water circulate much better.

Also without substrate then you have to increase bio media.

Have you look into how the breeder in Asia do their tanks ?

Partition the tank in half where the half on the back with substrate and half on the front is bare where as easy to clean the left over food and others unwanted things.

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I've tried looking for different photos to get ideas for my tank redo but there aren't any on google

Are you talking about Asia' breeder tank?

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What about running it bare bottom, adding a small cheap canister, toss the media, and replace with akadama or eheim peat pellets. Throw in some purigen to clean tannins, fine filter floss and control the flow. Should be stable and not swing, especially after the initial peat introduction. You could always even run it on a bucket for a month or two until it gets stable. Guess even a HOB like an aquaclear would work.

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Who is Randal?

I like the idea a lot. I think I'm going to modify it though a bit and do three edges. Both sides and the back since the tank is a rectangle, and the have a small rectangle in the middle. It'll require me to get a new air pump, and use my hob for one ugf port, and the air pump for the other three as well as a sponge filter. Give me enough room for my Buce collection, and my moss collection, which is ever so growing slowly haha, just recieved fissidens Thailand, some more rare erio seeds today and a mother rare moss.

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What if you were to just put in a glass jar filled with substrate? You could just fill it and put in the tank, maybe run an air stone in it,

them just take it out and rinse it in aquarium water every now and them and put it back in?

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What if you were to just put in a glass jar filled with substrate? You could just fill it and put in the tank, maybe run an air stone in it,

them just take it out and rinse it in aquarium water every now and them and put it back in?

That could work. How about with some fine filter ?

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