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Green hulk's/Blue jelly's


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So no true green hulks as adults? Green that fades to black doesn't sound appealing for 80$. I guess price is another reason not many people keep them. 

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I have a handful of green hulks, and 2 blue jellys the problem is unless you breed them With each other ghxgh or bjxbj you will get Hardly any if any at all off spring that will stay their color.

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Mine are not as deep blue as that, much lighter, and yes the over seas source I got them from said if I breed ghxgh I would get better color results, he said not all will still stay gh but you will have a better chance. Same with the bj

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they can be sourced pretty easy. But I havent had much success keeping hulks green, like Will said they tend to blacken up with age.

I've also been told that higher PH will keep them green, but i havent experimented with this yet.

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My friend informed me that hulks are not stable and they're green when young but tends to become brownish once they're adults. It's more of a hype it seems like.

Another friend told me hulks are sick shrimps and should be avoided. Maybe that's why we don't see many of them available for sale.

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I got about 30 of them (large and small) last year, every single one turned black after a few weeks.


I just received 200 BKKs and about 5 of them look Green Hulk like. I do believe these green or blue colour indicates defect on the outter shell, so the black doesn't show.

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"I do believe these green or blue colour indicates defect on the outter shell, so the black doesn't show." If every one turned black, I wonder if it isn't a defect, but a delayed maturity of pigment?

Depending on how you look at this, it's a defect so shell isn't thick enough or black pigment isn't enough under certain not-so-ideal environment. They might change to green again if condition is "right".

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I think most people keep them in mixed groups, the only way to find out is to keep gh/gh. I've read they like higher ph 6.5. It could be a shell deformity that gives a green spectrum when light hit's the shell. I plan of keeping a small colony to see if I can get them to stay green.

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