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Feminizing Hormones


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On the Magazine "Breeders 'n' Keepers", Fabio Silva, a Portuguese breeder mentioned and allow me to quote:

"However, to achieve an even higher percentage, some Asian breeders are rumored to make use of feminizing hormones, females are bigger and more colorful then."

Does anyone know anything about it?

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3 cm is only 1.18 inches so its really doesn't seem very large. 

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On the Magazine "Breeders 'n' Keepers", Fabio Silva, a Portuguese breeder mentioned and allow me to quote:

"However, to achieve an even higher percentage, some Asian breeders are rumored to make use of feminizing hormones, females are bigger and more colorful then."

Does anyone know anything about it?


Multimilion dollar question :), that I don't know yet the answer, but I belive in that. 


Although Neocaridina breeders from Taiwan only select females to sell/export because of their color, allways best than in Neo males, I saw some breeding pools with tousands of liters from big breeders, and the quantity of females is amazing.

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Hi Favio!

I was pretty amazed by your interview. I use both volumes as a guide on how from hatch to berry. I've read so many things on the Internet about how to do this or that and got a little frustrated. Now that the magazine is out is like seeing the light from the cream of the cream.

Quick question Favio. Do you believe that the temperature plays an important part when it comes to gender? Like for higher temps more males hatch and lower temps more females hatch?

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