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Hello all!


Will from theShrimptank has awakened me from my "freshwater forum slumber" with his import of Sulawesi shrimps. I used to be active on several shrimp forums, but have recently become enamored with saltwater aquariums and coral propagation, and that has taken up my forum time. I still have 16 freshwater shrimp tanks, however! My main focus is on Tiger shrimp and Sulawesi.


I have been breeding Cardinals for about 2 years now, and currently have 4 tanks devoted to Cardinal breeding. I'm going to try my hand with Yellow Cheeks and just ordered some from Will.

Below are some pictures of a 9 gallon cube that I have had set up with Cardinals for about 2 years. I don't actually recommend such a small tank however, because of the issue of rapid evaporation. I have to top it off every day. Sulawesi shrimp also require a lot of aeration, which exacerbates the evaportation problem.


My other Sulawesi shrimp tanks are 20 gallon highs. The tank that I put the Yellow Cheeks in will have auttopoff (from the Reef aquarium world), which will help fight evaporation.






Great to see you again, old friend!


Have you tried your hand at any saltwater shrimp?


Hi Bryce!


I have kept all of the Lysmata (Fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp), which are incredible animals. At some point I want to try Sexy anemone shrimp, which are possible to breed in captivity. For now, I have too many predators in my reef tanks for these small shrimp to survive. I need to set up a saltwater nano, and try my hand at keeping and breeding them.


I've been wanting to do that for quite some time now. A member here even offered to send me some sw shrimp to help get me sterted, but I was not set up for it.

I think there's a post here I made on the different colors of sexies I was able to find in pics.


I've been wanting to do that for quite some time now. A member here even offered to send me some sw shrimp to help get me sterted, but I was not set up for it.

I think there's a post here I made on the different colors of sexies I was able to find in pics.

There are a lot of really cool nano saltwater shrimp. Another that I really like is the Harlequin shrimp. My wrasses would kill them, so I don't have any in my reef tanks. Another reason for a nano.

Harlequin shrimp


I'm pretty certain with all these Sulawesi posts that my other half won't make it through the winter without doing a setup. Of course, the are so amazing how can anyone resist?


These things are the most interesting shrimp I've owned and I've dabbled in about every species. They are very active and aware of whats going on around them and their white arms really highlight them grazing on rocks and make it fun to watch. Lex's stock is a great choice to start your own colony from. Start a journal if you do and I'm sure you'd get plenty of advice. When I move into my own place, since I'm a post college grad trying to pay my debts, I plan to treat myself with a properly set up Sulawesi tank and do Cardinals and try and track down some harlequins


Gill is talking about another multi tank setup with Cardinals in one, then the others I can play with... so many Sulawesi choices...


Gill is talking about another multi tank setup with Cardinals in one, then the others I can play with... so many Sulawesi choices...

There are not that many choices here, unfortunately, since few people are breeding them in the USA. Cardinals are relatively easy to find, but none of the other species are available, except when someone makes a rare import. I just got some Caridina spinata (Yellow cheek bee) from Will (TheShrimpTank), and I know that he is trying to breed a number of other species, so perhaps there will be some more available in the future.


something you don't notice until youre in person, They have very long thin legs and appear to float when walking, so cool!!


may I know what's the green base layer ? is it moss or algae ?

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Not sure what it is, but I doubt it is moss. It looks to me like the kind of hair algae that composes Marimo balls. Perhaps the Logemanns broke up several Marimo balls and then got it to spread.


That's just hair algae type.  Unwanted in my neo tanks, but wanted I guess in cardinal tanks?


The stuff is good at accumulating biofilm and Cardinals love to pick at it. It also is one of the types of vegetation that does well at high temps and high pH. If you look in the Logemanns' setup you'll see they have lots of Crypts as well. I wonder what species that is? I might have to try some in one of my tanks.


Here's the Logemann brothers' showtank in Germany. Greatest Sulawesi tank ever?


I visited their shop in Hamburg last Winter and saw this tank in person. They have a great shop, mostly dedicated to shrimps and aquascaping.


I visited their shop in Hamburg last Winter and saw this tank in person. They have a great shop, mostly dedicated to shrimps and aquascaping.


Awesome! I am jealous. Do you have any idea what some of the plants in that tank are?


The stuff is good at accumulating biofilm and Cardinals love to pick at it. It also is one of the types of vegetation that does well at high temps and high pH. If you look in the Logemanns' setup you'll see they have lots of Crypts as well. I wonder what species that is? I might have to try some in one of my tanks.


Problem I had with neos is that sometimes they would get stuck and die in it.  I think it caused some problems also in the O2 levels. :(


Problem I had with neos is that sometimes they would get stuck and die in it.  I think it caused some problems also in the O2 levels. :(

Would have never thought of that. Thanks


Yellow Cheeks are going strong after 2 weeks in my tanks. No deaths yet and they appear to be molting without difficulty.  Hopefully, they will berry up for me soon.


Just tried this freeze-dried zooplankton, and they seemed to really like it. Hopefully, the added protein will get their ovaries working!



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