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Baby Issues :/

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I have a tank with a good mix of TBs, Tigers and a few snowballs. I have at least one shrimp berried at any given time and I see babies, but they never seem to last very long... Adults seem to be doing great! I may have a larger one die once a month or so, but other than that the mature shrimp look good. 


Out of like ~6 clutches I've had 3 individuals max survive to juvenile. 


I feed Lowkeys every other day. I have a good mix, but most are Lowkey brand.



22G Long

Brightwell Rio-Escuro

PH: 6.2



TDS: ~150


Amm/Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 5ppm max


Shrimp List:

Tangerine Tigers

Fancy Black Tiger

Blue Bolts

Blue Pandas

RKK Mischlings



I do water changes once every 2-3 weeks.


Any Ideas?

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Hey Duff do you have a FTS?


Have you examined:

  • Water flow
  • Oxygenation levels
  • Access to comfortable hiding spots with adequate food (moss)

After reading a discussion here a few weeks ago where water-flow effect on shrimplet survivial was discussed, I made some water-flow changes in one of my tanks to immediate effect.  I'm now assessing all tanks to see how I can improve hiding spots and decrease direct flow in certain areas.

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Hey Duff do you have a FTS?

Have you examined:

  • Water flow
  • Oxygenation levels
  • Access to comfortable hiding spots with adequate food (moss)
After reading a discussion here a few weeks ago where water-flow effect on shrimplet survivial was discussed, I made some water-flow changes in one of my tanks to immediate effect. I'm now assessing all tanks to see how I can improve hiding spots and decrease direct flow in certain areas.

I have the HMF on the right side and a eheim internal on the left (padded so babies can't get sucked in. The tank has a good flow in it (not sure if that's good or bad, I didn't see the discussion sadly). I just added some of the baby hide balls to the tank and the cholla should have plenty of hiding spots. As well as moss for food/shelter as well


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Hmmmm........my tanks are similarly scaped.


I certainly can't say that this is or isn't a factor, but the aforementioned discussion covered reduction of water flow rates to help out baby shrimp in those first few key days.


My bad, didn't realize I wasn't specific one way or the other in my previous post.


Is that an air-driven HMF or are you using a powerhead?

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Hmmmm........my tanks are similarly scaped.


I certainly can't say that this is or isn't a factor, but the aforementioned discussion covered reduction of water flow rates to help out baby shrimp in those first few key days.


My bad, didn't realize I wasn't specific one way or the other in my previous post.


Is that an air-driven HMF or are you using a powerhead?


The HMF is air driven so there should be plenty of oxygen. I think I will try taking out the EHEIM filter at first and if I still don't notice any difference I might try to lessen the flow of the HMF. What do you think?

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Hmmmm........my tanks are similarly scaped.


I certainly can't say that this is or isn't a factor, but the aforementioned discussion covered reduction of water flow rates to help out baby shrimp in those first few key days.


My bad, didn't realize I wasn't specific one way or the other in my previous post.


Is that an air-driven HMF or are you using a powerhead?

There is a post showing someone covering the ehiem outtake with a sponge and I cant find it. You can also put the ehiem intake behind the HMF

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Duff, I was going to say let's keep talking before you make a major change, but as I look at that filter my mind explodes at the thought of making it 100% shrimp safe.  


This one, right?  https://www.eheim.com/resources/product/2117/images/120920090908.jpg


I guess if you clean the Eheim then you would have an idea if there are shrimplets in there, so this may be the wrong direction altogether.


Do you think the Eheim is doing much for the tank?  I've never seen this filter up close so I don't know what it can do.

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Duff, I was going to say let's keep talking before you make a major change, but as I look at that filter my mind explodes at the thought of making it 100% shrimp safe.

This one, right? https://www.eheim.com/resources/product/2117/images/120920090908.jpg

I guess if you clean the Eheim then you would have an idea if there are shrimplets in there, so this may be the wrong direction altogether.

Do you think the Eheim is doing much for the tank? I've never seen this filter up close so I don't know what it can do.

I have a custom filter on the inside which is packed so there is no space in the intake. I put it in there with purigen when I started the tank and just haven't taken it out. I've been meaning to take it out anyways.

For now I removed it and I'll see if that helps. Now I just need some more behbehs. Any other idea to test/try etc is welcomed


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Tank looks great by the way, when I talk to people about shrimplet survival it almost always boils down to oxygenation and food. That is if all you're water parameters check out.


As I have read through the comments it does seem to me that you do have enough flow, but flow doesn't always help oxygenation. You actually have to break the surface of the water for the gas exchange to take place. That is why sponge, HMF, etc do just that because the air bubble burst at the surface of the water causing an exchange of gases. Since you're HMF seems to be doing that, I would ask you what type of food are you supplying your shrimplets, aside from algae/biofilm?


I ask this because you can have plenty of algae and biofilm in all of the places your shrimplets can't get to. Let's see if we can help solve your mystery.

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I am very new to all of this, but I just started to add Baby Shrimp food by Glas Garten to my tank. I have four week olds and one week olds. I have noticed a considerable difference in growth and color. They seem to be thriving. All ages like this stuff. Not sure if this food is good for the kinds of shrimp you have. 

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Tank looks great by the way, when I talk to people about shrimplet survival it almost always boils down to oxygenation and food. That is if all you're water parameters check out.

As I have read through the comments it does seem to me that you do have enough flow, but flow doesn't always help oxygenation. You actually have to break the surface of the water for the gas exchange to take place. That is why sponge, HMF, etc do just that because the air bubble burst at the surface of the water causing an exchange of gases. Since you're HMF seems to be doing that, I would ask you what type of food are you supplying your shrimplets, aside from algae/biofilm?

I ask this because you can have plenty of algae and biofilm in all of the places your shrimplets can't get to. Let's see if we can help solve your mystery.

Thanks :)

Other than the standard food, I forgot to mention I add bacterae once a week and when I notice any babies I put in lowkeys double speed.

Should I put in more hiding spots? Like a pile of small pieces of cholla or something? Maybe adding a small litter of leaves might provide a better shelter and food source?

Bah this is just frustrating. I'm going to get some neos when my 12gL has a stable PH and hopefully I'll feel a little better about myself haha. I have babies in that tank!


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This is coming from left field but I have noticed that some of my first time mothers seemed to have a lower survivor rates and now the same mothers have a higher survivor rate. In a lot of animals/fish/amphibians /invertebrates and reptiles ,new/young mothers tend be poor mothers with poor skills in taking care of eggs/babies or even having lower fertility rate's. Do you think this might also be the case for shrimps?

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This is coming from left field but I have noticed that some of my first time mothers seemed to have a lower survivor rates and now the same mothers have a higher survivor rate. In a lot of animals/fish/amphibians /invertebrates and reptiles ,new/young mothers tend be poor mothers with poor skills in taking care of eggs/babies or even having lower fertility rate's. Do you think this might also be the case for shrimps?


Not sure if it is the case, but I am pretty sure this is one of their first couple clutches. 

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This is coming from left field but I have noticed that some of my first time mothers seemed to have a lower survivor rates and now the same mothers have a higher survivor rate. In a lot of animals/fish/amphibians /invertebrates and reptiles ,new/young mothers tend be poor mothers with poor skills in taking care of eggs/babies or even having lower fertility rate's. Do you think this might also be the case for shrimps?


Fascinating observation!

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I asked the above question because it seems some people try to use baby food in feeding dishes. Maybe this works for them but IMHO this will decrease survival rates. If you place the correct amount of micro powdered baby food into the water colum then the flow will distribute it all around the tank. This will increase your chances of getting the food to the newborn shrimp. Think of a newborn shrimp like you would of a newborn child. It is stationary. You have to bring the bottle to the baby for it to survive. Now think of a few week old shrimp like a three year old toddler. They are on the move and if you leave cookies on the table across the room they will find them and eat them.

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The HMF is air driven so there should be plenty of oxygen. I think I will try taking out the EHEIM filter at first and if I still don't notice any difference I might try to lessen the flow of the HMF. What do you think?


Not sure if it matters anymore but I found the post of the eheim filter flow reduction. its post#207 page 11. Vinn I hope its ok to post your pic on this thread, its a great idea what you did to reduce the flow


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I asked the above question because it seems some people try to use baby food in feeding dishes. Maybe this works for them but IMHO this will decrease survival rates. If you place the correct amount of micro powdered baby food into the water colum then the flow will distribute it all around the tank. This will increase your chances of getting the food to the newborn shrimp. Think of a newborn shrimp like you would of a newborn child. It is stationary. You have to bring the bottle to the baby for it to survive. Now think of a few week old shrimp like a three year old toddler. They are on the move and if you leave cookies on the table across the room they will find them and eat them.

I just let it float throughout the tank. Never really been one to feed from a dish. I just noticed some new babies so I'll be feeding more of the baby food now and see what happens.


Not sure if it matters anymore but I found the post of the eheim filter flow reduction. its post#207 page 11. Vinn I hope its ok to post your pic on this thread, its a great idea what you did to reduce the flow

Sweet thanks! I just got some new babies so I'm going to see if feeding the baby food more frequently and removal of the eheim filter helped. I hope it'll help :/ otherwise I'll revisit chemistry to be safe and then try to slow my HMF


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