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Thinking about getting  10G OR 20g tank and make it a heavily planted tank. medium to high light i want. Just would like to know what all I need to get started and what you recommend for lights filtration substrate etc. Only want to spend $200-300 for equipment.

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Actually, hit up Craigslist you can often find entire tank set ups for 100 dollars or less. Then just put the rest of the money into whatever doesnt come with it or wasnt good enough.   If you are patient  one will get posted.     The light is probably the biggest expense but if you start with the light it comes with you can upgrade later when you dont have as many expenses. 


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3 hours ago, SOTG402 said:

Thinking about getting  10G OR 20g tank and make it a heavily planted tank. medium to high light i want. Just would like to know what all I need to get started and what you recommend for lights filtration substrate etc. Only want to spend $200-300 for equipment.

Is it a 20 long? If you're going with a high tech setup including co2 and ferts go with a lower PAR light to avoid any headaches. Filtration can be whatever you like honestly, but for a 10 or 20g you can go with a good HOB at around $45 maybe less if you find one used. Substrate options that will benefit your plants can be soil(low cost) or what I would recommend is eco-complete. Maybe get some root tabs for about $6.


Bigger question, what plants do you have in mind?

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You can go  http://www.amazon.com/AquaClear-30-Power-Filter-Listed/dp/B00020SVDG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1459981448&sr=8-1&keywords=aquaclear+30    with a cheap sponge filter  (5 bucks or so)   Or you can just go with the aquaclear 50 which is  $37 on amazon.  I have aquaclear on 2 of my 4 tanks.  They work great, are easy to clean and fairly inexpensive.  


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25 minutes ago, PlantDude said:

Is it a 20 long? If you're going with a high tech setup including co2 and ferts go with a lower PAR light to avoid any headaches. Filtration can be whatever you like honestly, but for a 10 or 20g you can go with a good HOB at around $45 maybe less if you find one used. Substrate options that will benefit your plants can be soil(low cost) or what I would recommend is eco-complete. Maybe get some root tabs for about $6.


Bigger question, what plants do you have in mind?

ok yeah i got a used HOB and it is a long what kind of lights do you suggest? i like crypts and buces i would to do some research on some others i i like.

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8 minutes ago, Jadenlea said:

You can go  http://www.amazon.com/AquaClear-30-Power-Filter-Listed/dp/B00020SVDG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1459981448&sr=8-1&keywords=aquaclear+30    with a cheap sponge filter  (5 bucks or so)   Or you can just go with the aquaclear 50 which is  $37 on amazon.  I have aquaclear on 2 of my 4 tanks.  They work great, are easy to clean and fairly inexpensive.  


Thats the one i have. good to know it will get the job done. 

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1 minute ago, SOTG402 said:


ok yeah i got a used HOB and it is a long what kind of lights do you suggest? i like crypts and buces i would to do some research on some others i i like.

Oh there you go, even better :). For those plants you can certainly get away with using CFL, screw in LEDs, Ebay lights like this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/281892449073?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&var=580868664397&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT (I have that one growing plants just fine), or if you wanted to spend a little more and keep costs and PAR down something like a Finnex Stingray will work. Something along those lines will keep you on budget.

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