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Shipping java


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Okay, so I had another "airhead moment" (don't they keep life fun?). I have way too much java moss. So I thought to myself, "great, I can just post it and sell it." So I'm thinking about price (really bad at pricing) and shipping, $12.00... wait a minute... $12.00?? Really?? To ship moss??? There must be a batter way! So here I am. What is the best way to ship java moss? I was going to do it just like shrimp or crays, breather bag, insulation, box, etc. I want to ensure it gets there in good shape (got dead plants already),  but I think there must be a more economical way to do it. Also, if anyone has any tips on getting the shrimplets (or "craylets") out, that would be appreciated. I of course try to shake them off, but still have hitch hikers from dense tanks... suggestions? 

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I don't think you need anything special to ship java moss. I would ship it in a ziplock with no water (just damp). Then wrap it with a bubble wrap and send it in a bubble envelope. If it goes somewhere cold you can ship in in an insulation box. It's how I would do it but I'm not an expert.

And to rinse the babies off I rinse my plants after I took them out of water in a bowl with the tank water. I just let the plants sit in it for a few minutes and then rinse them and into the ziplock they go.


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My recent eBay purchase of java moss that shipped last month, the seller wrapped the java moss in a damp paper towel and put it in a ziplock bag.  The seller then put it in a flat large envelope without any padding and shipped it via USPS first class mail.  The shipment took three days from upstate NY to Texas.  The moss still was alive and very green, I just had to fluff it a bit since it shipped in a flat envelope.  Like svetilda said, you can ship it in a bubble envelope for more protection but not sure if it is really needed.

Shipping it via USPS First Class Mail (envelope, not package), should cost less than $3.

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Thank you Svetilda and 240ric! For some reason I was having visions of it going through rollers if it was in an envelope and ending up the java version of mashed potatoes! So I'm off to get envelopes and prices. :)

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53 minutes ago, Wygglz said:

Thank you Svetilda and 240ric! For some reason I was having visions of it going through rollers if it was in an envelope and ending up the java version of mashed potatoes! So I'm off to get envelopes and prices. :)

If you end up having more and no buyers, I know of a Maryland teacher who teaches an awesome Aquarium Science class to his school, which the kids love. They can always use donations of trimmings and stuff like that, so just another option that goes to a good cause (if you are ever interested, PM me and I'll send you mailing info) :geek:

Here is the forum from Planted Tank: http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/12-tank-journals/961338-methods-classroom.html


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I got a giant handful of JM sent to me from Wa. State to Ohio wrapped in damp paper towel, in a ziploc, in a bubble envelope.  Showed up in three days and postage was 92 cents.  Fluffed it up and it filled up half of a 2g isolation tank.

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I would stick it in a ziplock bag sandwiched between damnp paper towels, then double bag the ziplock so it wont leak.


You can get a LOT of java moss in the small flatrate box for $6.75, but itd probably survive a padded envelope just fine too.  It's pretty tough.

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I've had water lettuce, frogbit, anacharis, guppy grass, subwassertang, and round pellia shipped to me in plain zip lock bags, sometimes wrapped in paper towels inside the bag to keep the plants moist without submerging the plants in water. I believe all of them were simply placed in those bubble wrap padded envelopes, but I believe USPS has a small box that is ideal https://store.usps.com/store/browse/uspsProductDetailMultiSkuDropDown.jsp?categoryNavIds=shipping-supplies%3afree-shipping-supplies&categoryNav=false&navAction=push&navCount=0&atg.multisite.remap=false&categoryId=free-shipping-supplies&productId=P_SMALL_FRB . The bags leak sometimes. You might want to double bag them with the freezer type bags, then wrap the bagged plants in something absorbent. The plants usually just need to be fluffed back up when they arrive.

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4 minutes ago, Soothing Shrimp said:

Doesn't the 7x7x6 box cost the same (without insulation) as a padded envelope would if sent priority?

I don't know. My post office is only open for an hour on Saturdays and I missed it. I know when I ship shrimp I pay $9 and change for shipping without the cost of materials.

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44 minutes ago, Soothing Shrimp said:

Doesn't the 7x7x6 box cost the same (without insulation) as a padded envelope would if sent priority?

776 1lb ranges from $5.75 - $7.16 based on location

Padded Envelope is $6.20 I think?

Purchase label on paypal for discount. USPS.com no longer offers discount.

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