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Substrates for BKK

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Which substrate would you recommend to achieve Ph around 6.0-6.4. I am going to raise kingkong taiwan bee shrimps. I consider ADA Amazonia but I afraid of the cloudy water and long cycle.

What do you guys recommend ? controsoil aka Brightwell ?

thank you

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Honestly any active substrate will do. Keep in mind that you do not want to rush the cycling process, if you want a substrate that doesn't leech ammonia then maybe Brightwell or the new SL-Aqua substrate would be best. Also keep in mind that ammonia is needed to start the cycle, something has to be there for the bacteria to feed on otherwise the cycle could take just as long.

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Honestly any active substrate will do. Keep in mind that you do not want to rush the cycling process, if you want a substrate that doesn't leech ammonia then maybe Brightwell or the new SL-Aqua substrate would be best. Also keep in mind that ammonia is needed to start the cycle, something has to be there for the bacteria to feed on otherwise the cycle could take just as lI have

I will move some of my sponge filters from an established tank then add a bit of pure ammonia. Sufficient or no ? I can wait for 3 weeks xD

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I will move some of my sponge filters from an established tank then add a bit of pure ammonia. Sufficient or no ? I can wait for 3 weeks xD

I have not used SL yet but I use controsoil which is similar. With controsoil I have used an established sponge and added shrimp within 24 hours no problem. I think Eric said in another post that SL leaches out a little bit of ammonia. With ADA , It still took about 4 weeks even with an established canister filter to cycle through, the ammonia levels was off the charts. If its a good sponge filter running for at least 4+ weeks and from a very established tank that has similar water parameters with good population then you shouldn't have to wait 3 weeks.

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I have not used SL yet but I use controsoil which is similar. With controsoil I have used an established sponge and added shrimp within 24 hours no problem. I think Eric said in another post that SL leaches out a little bit of ammonia. With ADA , It still took about 4 weeks even with an established canister filter to cycle through, the ammonia levels was off the charts. If its a good sponge filter running for at least 4+ weeks and from a very established tank that has similar water parameters with good population then you shouldn't have to wait 3 weeks.

Thanks for the info. As long as I can maintain the PH aroufn 6.2 it is all good.

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Thanks for the info. As long as I can maintain the PH aroufn 6.2 it is all good.

What I noticed with my controsoil when the tank is a new setup the PH was running around 6.2 but within a couple of months it started buffering at 5.8-6.0, on average 5.9. Im guessing new setup with all the minerals and additives/supplements causing this.

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I bought the SL soil from discobee and wanted to try it but I was going to start a tank for TB's and wanted to see my shrimp on the soil (especially black pandas). So I went with brown Brightwell only because of color. I added Seachem Stability for a week first and then added my shrimps.

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I bought the SL soil from discobee and wanted to try it but I was going to start a tank for TB's and wanted to see my shrimp on the soil (especially black pandas). So I went with brown Brightwell only because of color. I added Seachem Stability for a week first and then added my shrimps.

Black Pandas and BKK are VERY visible on SL-Aqua soil.

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  • 4 months later...

Is there a particular reason why you want your pH so low? I will say that most TB will breed well at 6.0 and stability is the most important thing. As for the Brightwell, a pH of 6.0 may be appropriate depending on what your RO pH is to start with. If you really want to get your pH lower, you may want to consider ADA Africana.

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