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I am looking for CRS, as the title says. This will be my first attempt at CRS and I could care less about what grade they are, I just want some that are white with red stripes. I am not trying to set up a breading operation, just a nice colony to fill my empty tank. It seems like no one sells low low grade CRS for a price that refects the grade. The breaders out there have to have a tank full of shrimp they feel like no one would buy for the price they regularly charge. I would love to start with 20 or so and hope that I have done my homework and the shrimp love their new home.

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You're right in that it's gotten hard to find anyone selling low grade CRS. I've been looking but decided to buy from a guy named Ark on Aquabid for the second time (my first colony crashed). Great price and good looking shrimp, they're just not low grade. But like I said, they're a great price. $45 buy-it-now with $14 shipping for 15+ shrimp comes out to roughly $3.50 each.


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Buy the PRL from the asian guy on craigslist from sammamish.  Might as well start out with good stock.  They look pretty good.  Very hardy.  If you want to see them, I traded some to  Aquarium Zen, but those were my culls...

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I appreciate the responses and sugestions. What I am looking for is A grade CRS and I figured that if S grade and above are selling for bewtween $3.50 - 5.00 per shrimp, that I could get S grade for less than $3 each. It would seem that they have to be out there and either the breaders are culling them or not selling them at the right grade. I would love to start with 20.

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Maybe I was unclear in both my posts, but it seems I was since I am getting offered high grade and prl at what are probably good prices for the shrimp. So, if you have A grade CRS for less than $3 per shrimp I would love to chat, but please don't waste my time or yours by offering something I dont want.

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People are confused, gerb.  We're trying to help you out, but unsure what you are looking for (even though you know exactly what you want.)


Let's attack this from a different way:  Are you looking for any crs that does not have solid color that you can buy cheap?


Or are you looking for mostly red crs?


Look here specifically at grades to know what we are talking about: http://crystalred.xc.ro/en/crystal-red-shrimp-grades.html


The trend now is the lower grades (C-A showing more red) are going for more money than grade S or above.



There are people that have coloration of S-SS+ that are not as solid they will be happy to sell for less though.  Sometimes they sell these as culls, too.

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LOW GRADE CRS are more desireable now that the super reds are around... so the value has increased for the shrimp showing more red then white...


I don't think your going to find any grade of crs for under $3....



sooooooo.. .. cheapest would be half white/red.. lol



.. $3.. is cheap.. imo

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Remember to not confuse "grades" with patterns. And prices reflect supply and demand. The "cheapest" CRS are undesirable culls from a breeder.  I.e. shrimps with poor colors.


If you are looking at imported shrimps the cheapest would be A/S type - i.e 3-4 band shrimps as they are available in large quantities from the large shrimp farms in Asia.  Those usually go for around $4 each from various sellers and importers.  The prices of these have not really dropped that much over the years.


If you are looking for B/C grade, they would be priced a bit more as none of the big farms produce these any more.  You would have to source them from smaller breeders and cost wise they would be a bit to a lot more depending on the cost off bringing them in. I get mine from a breeder in germany who has been breeding them for a  number of years but there is only 1-2 breeders so supply is quite low and with the Super CRS thing right now, demand is quite high.  

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that being said, I have seen low grade crs go under $3 but only on local sites like Kijiji or craigslist so give those a shot.

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Not trying to be rude and I apologize if it came across that way. I am using a common grading chart, that I thought was what most would reference, to communicate what I wanted. I also thought that the higher grade would equal a higher price. Since all the sites I have found are selling S grade or higher with the lowest price being $3 each for lots of 5 or 10. I logically thought if I wanted a lower grade and a lot of 20, the price would be lower. If this logic is wrong I am sorry for applying it here. I am not looking for "cheap" shrimp, I am looking for 20 CRS A grade (3-4 band) shrimp. I hope that this is the right terminology and I am not confusing everyone more.


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Well, to be fair- it used to be the higher up the pattern, the more expensive.  The challenge was people in the US were ignoring the saturation of color and were doing anything to get the pattern higher up the list.


Then people got wise and realized pattern makes no difference if the saturation of color isn't there.  The desire to have the white look like solid and the red to look painted began to outweigh poor coloration. 


So then you had people working on color saturation and charging higher prices for them.  Grade A with high saturation would actually sell for much more than a grade SSS poorly colored, and so on.


Shrimp stuff runs in fads.  So it can be hard to keep up with all the fads if one hasn't been in shrimping, or not been in shrimping for awhile.


Glad to see you found what you needed in the marketplace.  Good luck with your shrimping, and feel free to share your successes or questions along the way. :)

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Would low grade CRS have the same pattern as Super Crystal Reds, just the color saturation (solid pigmentation) would be more solid on SCR? Or does low grade CRS have a different pattern along with poor solid color saturation?


How much do typical decent quality SCR sell for now a days?

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I've seen SCR go for between $60-90 ea depending on breeder.  Occasionally a hobbyist will sell one for less, but not often.  As noted, a lot depends on saturation and line.




The original SCR did not come from low grades, but were bred from high saturated CRS.  They would breed these to gain more and more red coverage.


I just sold a project recently where I was breeding for a pseudo SCR by attempting low grade to cover more by red.  Basically breeding from the other end of the spectrum.  The saturation wasn't there yet, but I was slowly making progress.  Because the saturation was not thick, and there was no stable line from my project yet, the shrimp were not worth the same as a high grade SCR.


low grade 1.jpg

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