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Shrimp blending with substrate. Looking for a color to add

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So I am using the caribsea super naturals crystal river sand  in my shrimp tank .  It is beautiful sand but it was a really bad decision.  Especially for the shrimp I chose.   The shrimp that should be various shades of blue or yellow are clear.  Basically they look just like Ghost bee shrimp which I love, but these arnt supposed to look like that.   

I want to add another color. NOT BLACK. hate the idea of black and white sand.  Maybe a blue or a green.  Anyone have ideas for blue or green substrate.  I cant change the tank over right now. there are tons of itty bitty babies.  

The sand and the shrimp


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My LFS has Caribsea Super Naturals Blue Ridge in one of their tanks and I think it looks good.  Your shrimp might still blend in though since they are clear.

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Soothing!!!!!!   I thought we all decided that it was probably the playsand toxifying my tank of death last year?    I would love more than anything to use the playsand but..... 


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3 hours ago, Jadenlea said:

Soothing!!!!!!   I thought we all decided that it was probably the playsand toxifying my tank of death last year?    I would love more than anything to use the playsand but..... 


Wow!  I must have forgotten that part.  I'm glad you didn't! heh

How about this for green?



They also have red, blue and black http://www.naturesocean.com/aquarium-supplies/green-aquarium-sand.html






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Soothing... we don't actually know if it was the sand... We just couldnt think of anything else.   Crayola stands by its sand for aquarium use.    Shrimp daddy thought maybe it was  so dense and packed that  could be an issue. Other people thought maybe toxins leaking over time.   SDs explanation actually made alot of sense.  That stuff was packed in like bricks . But maybe sprinkling it throughout instead of using it as the actual base substrate would give what I have color without making it hard packed.    I often wondered about that Aqua terra stuff.  It is sold here for reptile tanks. 


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Jem, I once got the green crayola sand for a tank. It is pretty in the bag but under water  OUCH.. It was almost neon.  a real eyesore so I hear ya lol


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The thread about which thing ShrimpP?  My tank of death or about playsand in particular?  I Had multiple threads.  I had had a tank with all the parameters fine and purple playsand.  My babies  would not live past juvie stage and all my females would die once they started molting or having babies. (TB and mischling) I was using Peat for the low ph and playsand as the substrate .  There were multiple strings  and so many of the great people here trying to help solve my issues. I think we all finally agreed it was time to dump the playsand and start over with Controsoil.   Obviously this is a different tank.  


But if you google crayola playsand and aquarium you will find lots of info including statements from crayola about their sand being aquarium safe.   But I guess there is always the outside possibility that fish safe in this case isnt shrimp safe since the shrimp are spending all their life picking at the stuff.   Who knows!

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