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Amaranth Leaves


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Anyone know of a cheaper source for these than the Tantora brand? I love the way Tantora packages them, but I'm considering buying them in larger quantities because the number of tanks I have keeps going up. I feed one leaf per tank every two weeks or so. 

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Just now, h4n said:

You can grow your own :)

I thought about that. What would the drying process entail? How would I make them shrimp ready? Do you pick them when they are still green? 

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11 minutes ago, Amyers22 said:

Anyone know of a cheaper source for these than the Tantora brand? I love the way Tantora packages them, but I'm considering buying them in larger quantities because the number of tanks I have keeps going up. I feed one leaf per tank every two weeks or so. 

Im pretty sure you can dry the leaves in the sun. And you are spot on about the price for Tantora. They should stop making those fancy folds and maybe less labor would make them cheaper.

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For Kale I boil for 5 minutes, use paper towels to get the bulk of the water out/off and use a food dehydrator to dry.  You can uses just paper towels and let air dry but it takes longer and depends on the humidity level at the time you do it.  Oven set to 150-200 should also work.


I would imagine you could process Amaranth the same way.  Actually the Kale processed this way looks and feels like Amaranth from Tantora.  Shrimp swarm it and it is gone in a day or two.  If you try Kale be sure to remove the stock and bigger stems or you will end up with some white stringy remains you will need to remove.

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On March 16th I mentioned that I have Purple Amaranth seeds available if any body needed some.  I have literally thousands of teeny seeds that I got from our garden clubs swap meet.  I also have kale seeds as well. ( pretty much anything you can think of)  Both will grow like weeds.  I dry my herbs in an airy shaded area to retain as many nutrients as possible.  I also steam some medicinal's instead of boiling as your nutrients are not lost in the water and 260 degree steam kills any bacteria.  Use a fan to move the air if humidity is an issue but not directly on the plant material.

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8 minutes ago, oem said:

On March 16th I mentioned that I have Purple Amaranth seeds available if any body needed some.  I have literally thousands of teeny seeds that I got from our garden clubs swap meet.  I also have kale seeds as well. ( pretty much anything you can think of)  Both will grow like weeds.  I dry my herbs in an airy shaded area to retain as many nutrients as possible.  I also steam some medicinal's instead of boiling as your nutrients are not lost in the water and 260 degree steam kills any bacteria.  Use a fan to move the air if humidity is an issue but not directly on the plant material.

Is it easy to grow amaranth? Do you grow them in a garden or in pots? Im guessing it takes the entire summer to get to a size that you can harvest leaves?

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Amaranth will grow in a pot or in the ground and you will be able to pick leaves in 60 days.  Pick young tender leaves for fresh and older mature leaves for storage as they process better.  If you plant in the ground they will self seed even in Mn. by the end of the growing season. Kale is a cool season crop but grows during summer in a slightly cooler shaded area.  It will also overwinter and can be collected the next spring, which I am doing now as all the stored nutrient's  and minerals stored in the roots are moving into the new growth. This weekend if anybody wants, I can post a guide to growing these or other plants for shrimp and get some pkts together to send out gratis.

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oem, I might be interested in seeing you do a write up on that!

Not sure if I would ever actually do it, but would be cool to learn. Not much of a gardener, but I've always been interested in utilizing my fish tanks (already high tech planted tank with full line of ferts) as a aquaponics system to grow emersed plants (vegetables if safe for human consumption).

Would be interested in growing the other green super food, Spinach, alongside Kale.

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35 minutes ago, oem said:

Amaranth will grow in a pot or in the ground and you will be able to pick leaves in 60 days.  Pick young tender leaves for fresh and older mature leaves for storage as they process better.  If you plant in the ground they will self seed even in Mn. by the end of the growing season. Kale is a cool season crop but grows during summer in a slightly cooler shaded area.  It will also overwinter and can be collected the next spring, which I am doing now as all the stored nutrient's  and minerals stored in the roots are moving into the new growth. This weekend if anybody wants, I can post a guide to growing these or other plants for shrimp and get some pkts together to send out gratis.

I am interested in this, and would love to get seeds, especially purple amaranth. Cool.

And if I get seed, will distribute in future.

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I've got plenty of room to plant some, but I do live right beside (down slope against it too) a busy highway. Think that may contaminate the leaves? I also have Alder trees right beside me as well, but been hesitant to collect any alder cones for the same cautious reason.

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I'll get a grow guide and post in feeding section.  I'll find the seeds in my mess of seeds that I'm still planting and will let all know they are available.  For some reason I can't grow spinach to save my life and have tried numerous times. (love spinach)    ShrimpP> I would plant in a container so they can be placed in a safer location on the opposite side of house away from road.  Kale is actually a beautiful plant and sold in pots for fall decoration.   My neighbor has a pear tree that always seems to be loaded with fruit, but is within 25' of the road so I won't eat them.:(

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I carry Guava Leaves, Indian Almond Leaves and Mulberry Leaves in bulk.  I am out of the IAL and Mulberry at the moment though but should have more soon.


I would love some  Amaranth seeds too so I could grow them myself!



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Woke up sick as a dog today.  Didn't even turn on my laptop until late afternoon.  I'll post some info tomorrow for those not gardeners or live in apartments and will have to grow in pots.  Send me a pm and I'll send out seeds. All I need is an address as the seeds will be sent in a plain white envelope!  I got some packaged last night and will fill more tomorrow to send.  Got ya Oblong.

Edited by oem
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2 hours ago, OblongShrimp said:

I carry Guava Leaves, Indian Almond Leaves and Mulberry Leaves in bulk.  I am out of the IAL and Mulberry at the moment though but should have more soon.


I would love some  Amaranth seeds too so I could grow them myself!



You can find the seeds on ebay and its cheap. Did not know its called Chinese spinach.




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Vpier, I'm not sure but I think there's a difference between Amaranth that people grow for flowers and Amaranth that is edible. But edible one has nice flowers too, they just need to be trimmed to produce more leaves.

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4 hours ago, svetilda said:

Vpier, I'm not sure but I think there's a difference between Amaranth that people grow for flowers and Amaranth that is edible. But edible one has nice flowers too, they just need to be trimmed to produce more leaves.

There is a slight difference svetilda.  Globe Amaranth leaves are edible, but most of the plants energy is in flower production which is used in making tea.  For larger edible leaves I would buy the varieties bred for eating.

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3 hours ago, oem said:

There is a slight difference svetilda.  Globe Amaranth leaves are edible, but most of the plants energy is in flower production which is used in making tea.  For larger edible leaves I would buy the varieties bred for eating.

Thats what I was thinking so I bought the edible ones or the variety they call Chinese spinach. I hope I made the right choice.



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So OEM  I have a question for you about the amaranth seeds. I see you have plenty of people wanting them so  I will get my own, but i looked it up and there seems to be a bunch of kinds of Amaranth.  How do I know which are good for the shrimp, or are they all good?   some leaves are green, some have big red leaves.. ect.


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2 hours ago, Jadenlea said:

So OEM  I have a question for you about the amaranth seeds. I see you have plenty of people wanting them so  I will get my own, but i looked it up and there seems to be a bunch of kinds of Amaranth.  How do I know which are good for the shrimp, or are they all good?   some leaves are green, some have big red leaves.. ect.


I didnt know there so many different kinds until I got on ebay to find seeds. I took a guess and bought the edible variety figuring if its good for humans it should be good for shrimps. The edible variety seems to grow faster and possibly getting two harvests before winter .

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