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Yay!  I checked my tank this morning, and saw this.  My first shrimp were installed on February 11th, 2016.  So, in just under two months I've got my first pregnant neocaridina.  Now, I just hope that some of the offspring actually survive.  I'm going to be especially careful monitoring and managing the tank over the next few weeks.


Berried Shrimp (1).jpg

Berried Shrimp (2).jpg

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One word of advice.  Don't stress about params right now.  It was good enough to get her berried.  You start messing around changing things, and she may drop them.

Of course, if she's a new mom, she may drop them anyway.

But, minimize the possibility.  As tempting as it is, leave well enough alone for awhile.. ;)

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Yes.  My idea was to try to change NOTHING.  That's what I meant by careful monitoring and managing.

One thing that's a little strange, the eggs have little eyes which I understand indicates that they're close to hatching.  But, this is the first time that I've noticed any berried shrimp in my tank.  This, despite the fact that the tank is sitting on my desk and I look at it dozens of times a day.

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Woohoo! This happened for the first time to me for 2 females last week too! I plan on shifting to pressurized CO2 next week running a very low bubble count of 1 bubble per 2s. Do you all think it's better to hold off until after the eggs have hatched just to be safe?

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8 hours ago, Soothing Shrimp said:

Of course, if she's a new mom, she may drop them anyway.

If you catch a shrimp dropping her eggs can you put the eggs in a brine shrimp type hatchery and still get baby shrimp? I assume they need lots of O2 and that is what is happening when she is fanning them with her legs.

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13 minutes ago, Crackhead Johny said:

If you catch a shrimp dropping her eggs can you put the eggs in a brine shrimp type hatchery and still get baby shrimp? I assume they need lots of O2 and that is what is happening when she is fanning them with her legs.

Pretty sure it's to prevent fungus from growing on the eggs rather than supplying O2.

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Yeah I think it's sort of both, flow and o2 (the shrimp doesn't actually "create" o2 by fanning, but does help circulate oxygenated water to the packed eggs).

If you collect fish eggs and put some in a container with still-sitting water and some in a container with an airstone, the container with an airstone has a lot less eggs that develop fungus.

For the shrimp eggs you can get a egg tumbler or create some similar fashion DIY device. Simply get an empty water bottle and place an airstone at the bottom to tumble the eggs. Or use the flow from a filter or powerhead to "fan"/blow on the eggs in a media/mesh bag as seen here


Bunch of other DIY methods out there to hatch 'em

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  • 3 weeks later...

I first spotted the berried shrimp on April 6 and she was very visible for a couple of days.  Every time I looked at the tank, I could see her cruising around.  But then, on April 8, she was gone.  I didn't know what had happened but my hope was that the shrimplets had hatched and the reason that I could no long see a berried shrimp was because she was no longer berried.  I did spend time scouring the tank with a magnifying glass, but there was no sign of any shrimplets. 


Then yesterday.  YAY!  I spotted my first shrimplet.  In fact, I spotted three!  I'm assuming that if I can see three there's probably at least another three hiding in the undergrowth somewhere.  Conveniently, one of the shrimplets was on the glass of the tank so I was able to measure that he/she was 3mm from head to toe which is a useful piece of data since I know with reasonable accuracy that he/she is around two weeks old.


I managed to snap one (very fuzzy) photograph of one of the babies on some Java Moss which gives a good idea of how small he/she is.  I know that the photo isn't great, but it's taken with a six year old pocket camera.  He/she is right in the middle of the image horizontally and about two thirds down vertically.  Unfortunately, I also don’t have any of the magic image processing software that they use on CSI to make fuzzy images miraculously clear, but I was able to crop the image to make the baby a little more visible.

Shrimplet (1) (16Mar25).jpg

Shrimplet (2) (16Mar25).jpg

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