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TGIF RAOK!!!! Plants Manzanita Cholla & More!

Shrimp Life

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TGIF! *thank God its Friday!* RAOK! 24 hour ROAK!




-(1)Nano Sized Manzanita Branch with Fissidens Fontanus - will be about 6-7" long

-(1) 3" Cholla Log with Fissidens on it

-(1) 3" Cholla Log with Peacock moss on it

-(1) Black Ceramic Shrimp Cube (size is 2.5"x2.5"x2.5")

-(1) Small Baggie of Food Sample

-(2) Indian Almond Leaves


Please start a list with your name and number-



2. Etc 

3. Etc etc.


I will choose a random number Saturday Night May 7th, 9pm.



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1. Dluxeshrimps  (Awesome ROAK!!! thank you)

2. Fishprinceofca

3. 240ric



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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)




3. 240ric


4 avonsurfernc


5. shrimpaholich




super awesome! cant wait to see who wins! gl everyone

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

Awesome RAOK. Thanks Daz!

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie


Thanks for this! I'm setting up a new nano that manzanita would be perfect for. :3

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf


Thanks for the RAOK!  My corys love their little hut I bought from you a while back~  (Thanks for the food bits too!)

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

15. francisf

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)
3. 240ric
4 avonsurfernc
5. shrimpaholich
6. Mr. F
7. Sarah
8. Eloodaku
9. Serenityfate 
10. Tyler44
11. NeMox69x
12. corbie
13. ManedWolf
14. Hersheyb
15. francisf
16. SeñorShrimpster
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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

15. francisf

16. SeñorShrimpster


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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

15. francisf

16. SeñorShrimpster


18. svetilda


Thank you so much for this RAOK! I always wanted to try manzanita, maybe it's the time?

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

15. francisf

16. SeñorShrimpster


18. svetilda


19. Adrand

Wow super generous. Thanks for the chance.

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

15. francisf

16. SeñorShrimpster


18. svetilda

19. Adrand

20. ShrimpP

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

15. francisf

16. SeñorShrimpster


18. svetilda

19. Adrand

20. ShrimpP

21. MrShrimpo

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

15. francisf

16. SeñorShrimpster


18. svetilda

19. Adrand

20. ShrimpP

21. MrShrimpo

22. landhouse

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1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you)


3. 240ric

4 avonsurfernc

5. shrimpaholich

6. Mr. F

7. Sarah

8. Eloodaku

9. Serenityfate 

10. Tyler44

11. NeMox69x

12. corbie

13. ManedWolf

14. Hersheyb

15. francisf

16. SeñorShrimpster


18. svetilda

19. Adrand

20. ShrimpP

21. MrShrimpo

22. landhouse

23. 35ppt  (woo, hoo, friday!)

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