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We are moving to the newest version of the IP Board software.  This should happen within the next week and will likely break the addons that we currently have (feedback and tapatalk being the two I can think of offhand).  If you notice anything, including those please post here so I am aware of the issue and I will try and get everything updated to the most current version as quickly as I can.


Thanks again for you all making this such an awesome forum!




Thanks for the clarification Bryce, I read that yesterday but didn't put two and two together.


I agree. All in all though, looks better, and there are a few features I have noticed that are much more modern.

32 minutes ago, Shrimple minded said:

Slowly drip acclimating myself to the new site.........I'm not good with change :)

My browser bookmarks for the site broke during the change and had to be reset........I was pretty happy when I found the new site through google.

I too dislike change especially since I am Tech. challenged.  All the young staff and students at school give me a hard time about it.  However they ask me if something is spelled right on the board as they grew up with spell check. 

The definition of everything seems much better, and I like the larger I.D. tags on comments. Better for this older eye. OEM

Thank You


The changes look pretty bad to me. Why change something that works great? I don't get it. No offense to the guys running this forum. You are doing a great job.

The round avatars are terrible.



Really don't like the new mobile version.. No offense. Its really complicated. I wish there was an option to leave mobile version like on TPT forum. Guess il have to play around and figure it out! 


Is tapatalk support coming back? Its the only way i normally access forums... using the mobile site for the first time now. 


going to add latest new thread mod?

frankly, the site is not very big.

don't want to click on categories and just find replies on threads i may not be interested in.



Hello Will,

As you already expected. Just wanted to let you know that im seeing issues with tapatalk. Issue is it asks me to login and when I type my password i get a network error. At first i was able to cancel and it had me cached from previous, however decided to make sure my tapatalk was updated and now unable to login.


sure is pretty and i'm sure once we all get used to the new locations of things we'll be more comfortable with it.


responsiveness seems a little slow. maybe still needs some fine tuning?



We were way behind on the updates and I was worried if we got too far behind it would leave the forum open to more spam and other security problems. 


I have a ticket in to the Trader Feedback app group because it wasn't letting me install it.


I also have a ticket in to get my FTP information so I can reinstall tapatalk.


If you have things that you want to change I am open to discussing it.  If you really want to help me though you can do some googling on if the change is possible or how to do it as I am learning this software as well ;)


I did find the thing to fix the rounded avatar photos though ;)

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